TS TECH achieves three ISO certifications
In April 2023, TS TECH was audited for the fourth time to our three ISO standards: ISO 9001 – Quality Management, ISO 14001 – Environmental Management and ISO 45001 – Occupational Health and Safety Management.
ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 are international standards for quality management, environmental management and occupational health and safety management respectively.
Our accreditation according to these standards means that we have demonstrated our ability to achieve the requirements in the respective field and that we have also implemented a systematic approach to improving our skills as a company.
"“We achieved this with excellence. Our journey continues…"
At TS TECH, this means, among other things, that we deliver strategically and at every level on our major commitment to deliver high-quality products and services (ISO 90001). It also means that we satisfy all requirements and have implemented effective environmental management to improve our environmental impact and increase our energy efficiency (ISO 14001).
And finally, we work actively with occupational health and safety management and through our application of an effective management process, we work to improve our working environment and thereby achieve increased worker safety, reduced sickness absence and increased well-being (ISO 45001).
Your security for well-executed work, done safely.
ISO9001:2015 Quality management ISO14001:2015 Environmental management ISO45001:2018 Occupational health and safety management.
The audit was carried out by Intertek and our internal audit team – Dorthe Andrup Aarskov, Thomas V. West and Sidsel Wild Laursen.